Near as I can tell, Ashland has only one Starbucks -- banished to the edge of town, three stories underground, just across the California border -- and nineteen independent bookstores on every block. Heaven. The best place was a combination bookstore and antique shop, where we couldn't decide which to covet more, the rare tomes or the vintage musical instruments. We bought a harmonica.
I like this combination idea. I think it would play in Palo Alto. A few ideas:
- An Izzy's Bagels-slash-pedicure salon. Be pampered while you nosh. (Most popular nail polish colors: purple onion and lox trim.)
- A Palo Alto library branch in Watercourse Way. Because we all like to read in the tub.
- A Creamery counter in the Palo Alto Art Center. You could distract yourself from your milkshake brain freeze by looking at the art. And the IDEO exhibit would inspire you to redesign everything. French fries should be shaped like gladiolas.
- A restaurant hybrid: Madison and Fifth-slash-Antonio's Nut House. Because it would be funny to watch the pretty people trip on peanut shells.