Today, for example, there was a pierogy fiesta on my desk. A Pennsylvania company called Mrs. T's sent me a heap of recipes for the little dumpling delicacies (which it describes as "a delicious pairing of pasta and potatoes") along with chirpy photos that must have kept several food stylists off the streets for at least half a day.
Oh, baby. Imagine, if you will, the shrimp & pierogy skewers. The pierogy bruschetta. The Pierogy Primavera. Is this what my Polish grandmother dreamed of finding in the New World?
Then Mrs. T's gave me a slap in the face by including a map of the nation and the areas of highest pierogy consumption. Shockingly, Palo Alto is not part of the "Pierogy Pocket," which has a decidedly northeastern bent. This is an outrage. We demand to be lumped in with such exalted company as Hartford, Connecticut; Cleveland; Detroit; and Buffalo.
Betcha there's a place on the Peninsula to procure a prime pierogy. Any suggestions?

Pictured: Shrimp & pierogy skewers (top right) and pierogy minestrone soup (above). Photos courtesy of Mrs. T's.
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