[L. to R.]Torenia (violet moon hybrid), Nemesia (Angleart Pear), Gerbera, and a blue pansy.

The photos are beginning to show a need for the first trimback on spent flowers.
I am pleased to see that most of these plants have weathered the first week very well.

A few adjustments will be made to the plantings in the next week or so. This will will in any gaps. Did I say "gaps"? Some of these look a bit overplanted, especially for the first week.
The lovely pale yellow Calibrachoa (Cabaret Yellow) has charmed me and I returned to the nursery for additional colors.

That dahlia is actually a lovely orange, though it appears "peach" here. Same for the Gerbera.
My alyssum did not do very well. I had two 4-packs and most of them look pretty dead thus far.

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