1.Two-headed crocodile (Thailand)

Is a baby crocodile-headed conjoined twins two twins discovered in 2001 by the staff of a crocodile farm in Thailand.
2. Two-Headed Snake

Two-headed python was found by a team of veterinarians at the zoo in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Both head operates independently and has the ability to eat. Snake with a length of 25 inches is used to control the movement of his head, while on the left to follow naturally. In general, python, live in a natural ecosystem, can reach up to seven meters long and can swallow animals much larger than his own body.
3.Six-Legged Cat

In Tegal no incongruity experienced by a cat, ie, bi-and six-legged. Rare cat's owner, Totok Irianto, a resident of Jl Ruslani HS No. 1 RT 5 RW 2, Kemandungan Kelurahan, Kecamatan Tegal Barat, Tegal meberi pet name is Si Manis.
Besides hermaphrodite (male and female), the sugar turns out to have six legs and is now less than two months old. ''To me it is very strange. It's become my favorite cat,
Each day, the cat who was born at about 18:15, on Saturday January 17 Kliwon ago, it often becomes a spectacle and entertainment of local people. Residents who are always curious to see the funny little cat. Height 18 cm, length about 25 cm (up to end of tail 34 cm), and beratnnya 2 kg.
Two foot addition on the left side right near the tail.
Meanwhile, four other legs grow normally like other cats. No signs of weirdness before the birth of the cat. However, due to abnormalities of the cat, he became very fond of her.
Nutritious Food In terms of food, he initially tried to give nutritious food. Such as milk drinks cans. But pets like to know myself do not want to be treated special.
''Finally, yes I feed like other cats. But if sleeping on a mattress, with the same me. Because of my diligent bathing and mengeramasinya. So no fleas, look clean and fragrant,
Not only he is so fond of. His wife, Isminarni also give more attention as she was. Likewise, her three children. Even the youngest daughter, Maya Agustin who sat in Class 9 SMPN 6, are so familiar with the cats that are often called The Sweet.
No strange behavior in the cat. Because like other cats. Totok also does not specifically keep animals like that. Only after the birth of a six-legged cat and the hermaphrodite, he became so fond of these rare cats.
4. Human Giant Catfish fish eaters

Fish had been killed 3 people. First of April 1988 in Nepal a boy of 17 years who was swimming in the river, according to witnesses, suddenly pulled to the bottom of the river by 'something'.
Three months later a child jd victim again, the severity of the child's father witnessed the incident but could not do more to save her son, and the latest happenings are in the past year, a teenage boy 18 years of age is also rumored to have been eaten by giant fish .
5. Two-Headed Turtle

The pet store owner to obtain a two-headed turtle from a man in Florida who saved a bunch of eggs after an adult female was killed by a car. Casey was the one who take care of turtles at home, and then took him to the pet store. Unfortunately the popular pets that ultimately was stolen from a pet store.
6.Two-headed gecko

Gecko with a head on each end was found at an antique store Huaihua city, Hunan province, China on 3 June 2008. This gecko has a length of about 10 cm. Geckos can crawl slowly and can move toward the opposite direction without turning his head.
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