1.Mystery Stone Moving Yourself

Mean dry playa lake. When the period of heavy rain, water will flow down from nearby mountains into Playa and forming a shallow lake that was short-lived. When the weather turned hot, shallow body of water that evaporates and leaves a thin layer of mud and soft.
When the mud dries, he began to shrink and break down to form a beautiful mosaic. And this is where a strange phenomenon occurred.
It looks like when no one's looking, dolomite rocks which split from moving on its own cliff walking across a dry lake surface. The stones that leave a trail clearly visible above ground, the only evidence that they actually move.
This phenomenon has actually been known to be more than a hundred years ago by the explorers and gold miners. But a more serious research just done in 1948. To this day, the phenomenon is still not explained satisfactorily.
2.Rainbow Fire

An extraordinary phenomenon occurs in the sky Bandung today (26/05/2010). ITB students managed to capture a rainbow forming fire Arabic writing in the form of GOD.
Students who do not know the religion of Islam is not fire rainbow formed a writing GOD, he just said that the fire rainbow it resembles the Arabic script.
When vetted if the photo is real or just a result of editing, it turns out these photos prove its validity because there is one resident bandung who also admitted that he had time to capture these extraordinary phenomena.
Students who do not know the religion of Islam is not fire rainbow formed a writing GOD, he just said that the fire rainbow it resembles the Arabic script.
When vetted if the photo is real or just a result of editing, it turns out these photos prove its validity because there is one resident bandung who also admitted that he had time to capture these extraordinary phenomena.
3.Basalt columns in the Canary Islands (ireland)

On cooling, thick lava flows made at a vertical angle to the direction of flow, resulting in strange geometric figure. This is a process that produces regular hexagonal shape of basaltic columns, and perfection is almost artificial. Among the most famous is the "Giant's Causeway in Ireland and" Devil's Tower "in the U.S., but does not detract from the" Bodies "on the island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands.
4.clouds mammatus

Its emergence is a sign of a storm of this kind of weird cloud view is a sign of severe storms or unpleasant arrival of bad weather. These clouds contain mostly ice crystals can be extended in a line hundreds of kilometers can be measured. Some of these cloud formations can remain static even for 10-15 minutes.
5.Blue hole in the Bahamas
This "big hole" suddenly sank into the sea. As I looked from the air, solid blue color indicates the presence of darkness and impenetrable, especially in contrast to the water around them. Those divers who had stepped on it tens of meters, have found that at this depth, a serious shortage of oxygen levels and that there is life other than just a lack of ocean currents.
Nevertheless, it has a very high scientific interest, and so far have been found in dozens of remote ancient fossils. These "holes" are found in Belize, the Bahamas blue hole deeper, about 400m east of Belize has some 123m.
Nevertheless, it has a very high scientific interest, and so far have been found in dozens of remote ancient fossils. These "holes" are found in Belize, the Bahamas blue hole deeper, about 400m east of Belize has some 123m.
6.Striped Icebergs

When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze the bottom. If this is rich in algae, can form a green line. Brown, black and yellow is the color of the line caused by sucking sediment collected when ice fell into the sea.
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