1. Shoes 'Armadillo'
Shoes that are named Armadillo is the shoe works for the collection of the late Alexander McQueen Spring / Summer 2010. Shape that resembles a lobster claw, making Armadillo immediately attract the attention of the observer mode. Lady Gaga even had time to wear these shoes in the video clip 'Bad Romance'.
2. Without the right shoes
Without the right shoes had become a favorite among Hollywood celebrities such as Uma Thurman, Lady Gaga and Victoria Beckham. The wife of famous footballer, David Beckham is never wore high boots with no right of Antonio Berardi's work at the launch of her perfume in 2008. The question is, how he stood balanced with those shoes?
3. Weird shoes Amninaka Wilmot
It's hard to explain this form of footwear. Shoes or can be called, this artwork was created by designers from London, Amninaka Wilmot. If you see a complicated shape, it's hard to imagine it can stand upright with these shoes.
4. Alexander McQueen shoes black red
Alexander McQueen has always created a work that is beyond conjecture. A pair of shoe design re-crowned as the most unique shoe designs. Shoes is a collection of Autumn / Winter 2009. Though oddly, the shoes are equipped with two rights seem to be able to help you stand without losing balance.
5. Shoes 'Flipper'
Is it possible if the flippers are used for sport diving, equipped with high heels? An Australian designer, Lisa Carney suggests that it is not impossible. By wearing these shoes, you need not bother to change shoes if you want to swim.
6. Giorgio Armani Shoes
Giorgio Armani shoes specially made for Lady Gaga now come to the Grammy Award 2010 can also be categorized as a unique shoe. Apart form the peculiar rights and soles, full details of the crystal which makes the shoe look more attractive.
7. Meat Shoes Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga appearance when attending the MTV Movie Award 2010 is hard to forget. He was walking on the red carpet by wearing overalls, headwear and boots made of meat. Of course, the shoes into the list of the most unique shoe.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
unique stones in the world
WAVE ROCK - Hyden Australia
Stone-like waves, according to experts estimated to have existed since 60jt years ago.Wave Rock is a granite composite, which has a height of about 15 meters long and 110 meters. There are also rock types like this in Utah United States.
Moving Rock -Racetrack Playa, Death Valley - California
A geological phenomenon of the movement of rock and even some that are not linearwithout bianatang or human intervention. It was a miracle and make us wonder. This phenomenon can we find in Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, California.
Dome of the Rock - Masjid Al Aqsha, Palestina
Stone this one makes us wonder. Floating stone, which lies in the environment of Palestine Al-Aqsa mosque. It is said that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad going to Ascension, the stone wanted to come, but soon he menghentakan feet on the stone, meaning that the stones do not have to participate. The stone is located in the area hanging Omar Mosque (Dome of the Rock) in the neighborhood of Al Aqsa Mosque in Jarussalem.
Stone-like waves, according to experts estimated to have existed since 60jt years ago.Wave Rock is a granite composite, which has a height of about 15 meters long and 110 meters. There are also rock types like this in Utah United States.
Wave Rock Hyden Australia
Moving Rock -Racetrack Playa, Death Valley - California
A geological phenomenon of the movement of rock and even some that are not linearwithout bianatang or human intervention. It was a miracle and make us wonder. This phenomenon can we find in Racetrack Playa, Death Valley, California.
Moving rock - California
Stone this one makes us wonder. Floating stone, which lies in the environment of Palestine Al-Aqsa mosque. It is said that at the time of the Prophet Muhammad going to Ascension, the stone wanted to come, but soon he menghentakan feet on the stone, meaning that the stones do not have to participate. The stone is located in the area hanging Omar Mosque (Dome of the Rock) in the neighborhood of Al Aqsa Mosque in Jarussalem.
Dome of the Rock - Palestina
Malin Kundang Rock - Padang, Indonesia
Located in the Sweet Water Beach, Padang. There is a stone that is said this stone is a boy who was cursed by her mother, because durhak. True or tidaknnya, wallahu knows best, but this is a unique stone and makes us wonder.
Malin Kundang Rock
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
In living color

Black and white just wouldn't cut it for this Vaibhav Tripathi pic, which recently won first prize in the annual photo contest held by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. Can you imagine?
Lovely stuff. Check out the other winners, and the finalists here.
Pictured: "Wildflowers Dance on a Windy Evening at Sunset," taken at the Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve by Vaibhav Tripathi.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
animals unique in the world
1.Combined Animals Birds, Reptiles, and Mammals
Perhaps you already recognize the unique animals of this one. Animals named platypus has several unique like a duck snout, webbed feet, and lay eggs like reptiles. One oddity that probably not many people know is a male platypus can deliver venom from a number of parts in his leg.
Perhaps you already recognize the unique animals of this one. Animals named platypus has several unique like a duck snout, webbed feet, and lay eggs like reptiles. One oddity that probably not many people know is a male platypus can deliver venom from a number of parts in his leg.
2.Cumi-Cumi eyes of dinner plates
Some scientists are fishing a giant squid (Colossal squid) in New Zealand waters in 2008. They found that the eyes of marine animals is size of dinner plates. This makes the eyes of the giant squid as the world's largest animal eye. Colossal squids could grow by up to 46 feet and has tentacles are equipped with suckers and hooks. Scientists believe an aggressive animal is capable of diving to a depth of 6,500 feet.
3. Middle fingered primates Extra Long
Animal called the aye-aye has a characteristic large eyes, ears like a bat, and extra long middle fingers. Primate middle finger is used to gouge out the food from the crevices of trees. A number of scientists from Duke University in the United States say aye-aye may be a clue to the mystery of the evolution of color vision in living things.
4. Mice Land billed Stars
Moles billed stars? From the name alone suggests the uniqueness of the animal. With 22 tentacles on the snout mini star, moles are able to detect and digest food more quickly than the human eye blink. Yes, very quickly. Only a fraction of a second. These amazing animals live in swamps and other wet areas around the east coast of North America.
5. Evolutionary Animal World
Besides being able to sleep in the soil for years without water and food, underground frog from Mexico has another uniqueness. Global conservation program called the EDGE of Existence classify this animal as the animal evolutionary world. Because these animals have almost no genetic resemblance relations with any living creature in the world.
6. Crab "Yeti"
You know animals called yeti? Giant animal urban legends Nepal and Tibet is touted to inhabit one of the world's highest mountains, the Himalayas. Taken from the same name, the animals were given an official name by 2005 hirsute Kiwa has yellow hairs on both claws. Scientists suspect claw is used to detect food and looking for a partner.
7. Pope's "Unicorn"
Of the dozens of species of whales in the world, there is one type of whale is characterized uniquely named pope unicorn. These whales have teeth sticking out like a unicorn's horn, animals, mystical world of fantasy. Animals weighing approximately 2,200 to 3,500 pounds has an eight foot long horns protruding from the left side of the upper jaw. Not long ago, some scientists know the horn is equipped with a number of super-sensitive nerve cells that allegedly serves determine levels of salt in water and in search of food.
8. Bats legged suckers
Scientists have discovered a new species of bat named Myzopoda schliemanni Islands in Madagascar, in 2007. Sucker-footed animals are able to stick to the broad-leaved trees such as palm tree is closely related to Myzopoda aurita who live in humid areas. Scientists were surprised by the ability of the animal because he was able to live in arid regions such as the African continent. In fact, the area of virgin forest on the continent only the remaining eight percent.
9. Mickey Mouse of the desert
Some biologists issued a videotape of a unique rodent named Long-eared Jerboa in 2007. Animals are often called the Mickey Mouse of the desert has ears larger than its head and legs that can jump like a kangaroo. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has set the status of this endangered animal. One of the real threat of long-eared Jerboa is a local cat.
10. Sincan?
Crayon Sincan? Shinnosuke Nohara? You might think the name is the name of one of Japan's cartoon character who is quite famous. However sincan here stands for a lion-tiger or lion-tiger called (Ligers). For several decades ago, scientists biologists often perform a number of cross-breeding antarbinatang like sincan. In 2004, the animal involved appear to accompany actor Jon Heder in Napoleon Dynamite film. Sincan addition, there are several other hybrid animals such as killer whales cross-dolphins and polar bears, grizzly bears. (ANS)
Monday, June 20, 2011
Ship Warship world's most advanced tech Demon
1. La Fayette
This futuristic frigates who've been to Indonesia. La Fayette-class frigates built multimisi Direction des Constructions Navales by (DCN) which is based in France. Until this day Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Taiwan listed as users. Stealth design could be identified from the structure that is very "clean" than warships in general. Superstructure is made of wood composite materials (wood) and fiberglass tougher than steel, lightweight, fire resistant, and absorb radar (radar absorbant).
Builder: France
Type: Stealth frigate
Engine: 4 Pielstick diesel SEMT 12PA6V280, 21000 HP (15,400 kW)
Main contractor: DCN
Length: 125 m
Speed: 25 knots
Crew: 60 people
This futuristic frigates who've been to Indonesia. La Fayette-class frigates built multimisi Direction des Constructions Navales by (DCN) which is based in France. Until this day Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Taiwan listed as users. Stealth design could be identified from the structure that is very "clean" than warships in general. Superstructure is made of wood composite materials (wood) and fiberglass tougher than steel, lightweight, fire resistant, and absorb radar (radar absorbant).
2. Littoral Combat Ship
Country: U.S.
Type: Litoral Combat Ship
Engine: -
Main contractor: -
Length: 40 feet
Beam: -
Littoral Combat Ship is a minor variant of the future or destroyer DD (X) for offshore missions. LCS can also be said as the ship with the ability of DD (X) and CG (X) aka cruisers with missile control of the future. However CSF, was not designed to displace the second task type of vessel. LCS excellence can be listened to on a new form of lambunganya. CSF reportedly designed specifically for combat or missions that are asymmetric. The main task of LCS is crippling small kapal2, mine sweeping and submarine warfare in the region antikapal lepan coastal waters.
Sea Shadow
Creator: U.S.
Type: Tecnology demonstrator
Machinery: Diesel electric
Prime contractors: Lockheed Skunk Works
Length: 164 feet
Beam: 68 feet
Crew: 10 people
Ship Sea Shadow is a test developed by the Advanced Research group Projedt Agency (ARPA), the U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin Skunk Work. Development began work mid-1980. The design is rigid clearly intended to reduce catches radar. Visually, the Sea Shadow 2 is shaped like a tree that resembles the hull to make a little wave. The use of diesel-electric engine makes it virtually silent in operation.
DD-21 Zumwalt
Zumwalt Class Destroyer DD is specially designed to perform ground attack. Becauseit is the DD 21 has various weapons to support ground troops in its primary mission. No wonder byk parties said that the DD21 destroyer would be true with the ability to face a variety of missions as requested by the commander of the fleet. Arleigh Burke destroyerLike, DD21 is a ship that will membverikan multimisi combat support capabilities toreach the coast and inland. Installation 5-inch/62 ammunition and 155 mm howitzers that reach up to 100 miles inland, will certainly frightening for opponents on the mainland.
Type 45 Class
Country: United Kingdom
Type: Destroyer
Engine: 2 WR-21
Length: 151 m
Beam: 20 m
Crew: 190 people
There are two predicates that will be bagged Navy Type 45 in the ranks of English. First, the largest air defense-capable destroyers ever operated British Navy and the second largest surface warships since World War II. Problem The main armament, Type 45 is equipped version of the most sophisticated and deadly PAAMS (Principal Anti Air Missile System) which was developed jointly by France and Italy. Type 45 will carry two WR-21 gas engine with intercooler and recuperator. Both engines are built by a joint team of Rolls-Royce and Northrop Grumman jg Alsthom Power Conversion Ltd.
Type: corvette
Dimensions: 72m Penjang; Beam 10.4 m Draught 2.4 m, weight 600 tons of combat
Ability: speed 35 knots; crew of 43 people
Armament: Bofors cannon Mk III 57/70; Missile SAM BAMSEA; SAM RBS-15 missiles; Heli class A-109
Visby, that's the name of the class corvette-gress was compounded company Kockims Swedish shipbuilder. Category stealth (Stealth lantarankapal obtained applying a new type of raw material non-metal. The stomach for example, comprises a combination dri core wrapped in layers of PVC as well as Carbon-fiber laminated vinyl. Counts Visby technical mentions only be detected at a distance of 8 km in poor weather conditions. Meanwhile, when the sea state calm of science is slipping away to the figure of 11 km. until now, the new Swedish Navy antiranjau peg for the purposes of the sea and attacked. for matters of weapons, this ship could have been in the Arm with RB23 BAMSEA SAM missiles, missiles RBS-15 SSM and Agusta Westland helicopter class A-109.
RV Triton
Type: frigates
Dimensions: length 97m; Beam 22.5 m, weight 1,100 tons
Ability: Speed 20 Knots; range of 3000 Nm; crew of 28 people
Armament: Blm applied
Advanced generation of British frigates story does not stop until the Type 23 only. Although still in early stages of testing, the Royal Navy has had approximate the shape and the ability of future warships (FCS-Future Ship Comat. Triton adopted three gastric, aka trimaran. Of the origin of this concept is not just playing dirty. There are a number of advantages can be achieved by that form. Speed sailing for example, could be 20 percent higher than a conventional hull design. Similarly, the level of stability and payload capacity. Until now, in addition to interest.
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