Indeed, this one plant plasticity not cool, but native plants Namibia is indeed fabulous!This plant has only two leaves, one stem and root systems, do it ONLY! But these twoleaves continue to grow until eventually like Alien.
The longer the stem of this plant will be more bold, but not escalate, the maximum heightof this plant is only 2 feet away but can reach 8 meters in width.
Age of these plants can reach 400 to 15 centuries!. Could survive without rain for 5years! In addition, plants in Namibia called Onyanga it was delicious to eat either eatenraw or cooked in the coals. Oh yes, the meaning of the name is Onion Onyanga Desert!
2. Carnivore Plants
Plant this one is the most famous carnivorous plant, because the activity and efficiencyin trapping prey. Pair of "Leaves" that characterizes this plant is a trap that has anultra-sensitive hair, to feel any small animal or insect that comes. Once the hairs on the leaf is touched, the leaves will close and trap any animal that approached her.
3. World's Largest Flower
Great interest that this rare extraordinary attention in the world. Imagine the size of the flowers that can reach 1 meter and its own weight can reach 8 kg to 12 kg. But the problem is not fragrant smell, and even more close to rotten meat. So this flower called the corpse flower in our country, which is the natural habitat of this flower.
This flower will bloom a week or three days, and attract insects to fertilize with the stenchemitted by these flowers. Unfortunately, the result of fertilization, only 10-20 percent of itmanaged to grow.
4. Crop Ball Baseball
This plant is a plant endemic to the Great Karoo region, South Africa. Because its funny,many plant enthusiasts finally take this plant and mengkoleksinya, so that the population is severely damaged. Eventually these plants protected by the South Africangovernment.
5. Carrion flower
Interest on this one big high, even higher than human. Well .. this interest that has received the nickname corpse flower, because in addition to the smell which is similar to the carcass, also mimic rotting flesh color. This flower was also widely known in the world community as one of the plants native to Indonesia.
6. Bottle Trees
This tree is a native plant of Madagascar, Africa and Australia. This tree is called abottle tree, because in addition to the bottle shape is similar, this tree was indeed tosave up to 300 liters of water! So can grow up to 500 years!
7. Dragon Blood Tree
This plant is native Socotra archipelago. This tree is known by the name of the Dragon Blood Tree or Socotra Dragon Tree. The form is unique, like an umbrella, was only one of this tree unique. Name of dragon blood from this tree was taken from the sap of this tree is red. Just like the blood of the dragon in Harry Potter, it turns out 'dragon's blood'of the tree is useful for the treatment. In addition, it turns red 'dragon's blood' tree is also often used as a natural red dye.
8. Resurrection Plant
Another name of this flower is the Flower of Jericho, a desert plant is known for his ability to survive even in times of drought. During the dry season, the trunk will shrink andcurl into a ball. And so there is water, the trunk line will break away from the reel. This plant is mostly found in the Chihuahua desert
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