Most peoplethink ofNiagara Fallsisthe largest in theworld.ThoughGuairaFallsis the largest inthe world by volumewaterfall thatreachesan average of1.75 millioncubic feet per-second.Comparewith theNiagaraFallsareonly70 000cubicper-second.
SourcesGuairaFallsislocatedin thefrontier of Brazil,Paraguay,theParanariver.In 1982,thewaterternjunGuairawas builtdamsfor power generationwith thename of theItaipu Damwhich is now thesecondlargestdamin theworld'slargestelectricityproducerafterGorgesDam.ItaipuDamsupplies90 percent ofelectricityto Paraguay,and 19percenttoBrazil,RiodeJaneiroandSaoPaulo.
2. Iceberg B-15, Antartika
IcebergB-15was thelargesticebergin recordedhistory.The extent of3100km,making it largerthanJamaicaPulai.Gianticebergis due tofaulton theRossIceShelfin March 2000. Thenin 2003,icebergB-15wasagainsplit intoseveral pieces, one ofthe largestso-calledB-15adriftingto the north,then fellinto aglacierin 2005,leavingthe faultalong the 8km.This makesmajor changesto themapof Antarctica and thedemandshould berevised(map).
Some drifted along the coast eventually foundered. In 2006, hurricanes in Alaska, menyebbakan ocean waves that pass up to 13,500 miles for 6 days to Antarctica, and separating the fractions remaining fraction becomes more and more.
Nearly a decade passed, the parts of the iceberg is still not completely liquid, the largest part is still considered sebagaii B-15a, with the vast field reached 1,700 km. The picture above is an iceberg called B-15a after drifting into the Drygalski Glacier (bottom), his final break up into several pieces.
3. Don Juan Pond, Antartika
The placewherethehighestsalt content?Surelysomeonewill callthe Dead Sea.The Dead Seaisworld famousbecause ofthe veryhighsalt content.
Based on research,highsaltcontentof seawatercouldbe amedical therapy.Nowonder thatinmanybuiltaroundthe Dead Seaspasfor therapy,particularlyhealth and beautytherapies.But it turns outthatthe Dead Seais notterasinin the world.
It is preciselyin the Antarcticis,ratherDonJuanPond,alakewiththe highestsalt contentin the world.The comparisonwhen juxtaposedwith the seain general,DonJuanPond,18 timessaltierthannormalseawater,when compared to theDead Sea, theDonJuanPond,eighttimes moresalty.
This location isfound byLt.DonRoeandLt.JohnHickey,in 1961,whentheydo researchin Antarctica.DonJuanPondis alsothe namegivenbythe two researchersof this army,possiblymergingthe twonames.
Rotoruais acityon thewaterfrontsouth of the lakewiththe same name.Precisely inthe bayof Plenty,NorthIslandof NewZealand.
The uniquenessofthe regionis the number ofpools ofhot springs,especiallyPohutuGeyseratWhakarewarewa,andmudboilingmud.The area wasauniqueand interesting, somuchvisited by tourists.
5. 83-42, Greenland
Strangeand unique.But83-42is believed to bethe onlyarea ofland inthe north.It'sjust 'a piece'size isabout 35mx15 mhigh and 4m.When viewedfrom above,likejust aspeck oflandsurrounded byshardsof iceshards.
Unik! Ketika kutub utara tertutup oleh es, namun tanah ini tidak. Lihat gambar! Keunikan ini sekaligus menumbangkan rekor sebelumnya yaknu ATOW 1996. Keunikan 83-42 ini ditemukan tahun 1998.
6. Socotra, Republic of Yemen
Socotraoddestplacesat oncethe mostunique in the world.Almosteverythingtherelooks weird, from theshape of the treeand its environment,it's no wondermany arecallingSocotrain theRepublic ofYemenasone of thealiennestin theworld.
The placeis veryisolated,otherdryclimatesthan others.This anomalymaycauseplant lifeoranything onthere grewstrangely.Call it awell-knownplantssuch as theDragon's BloodTreeisstrange,veryunusualshape,lookslikean umbrella.This treeproducesredsap.
Therealsoexistanimalsnativeanimals,likebirds, spidersandothernativeanimals.Not to mention therockyreefas well,whose shapeis not commonand there is onlyon the island.With all thestrangenesscontent ofthe island,do notbe surprised ifSocotra,an islandat seaarab,enteredin theHeritageof WorldHeritage.
7. The Great Dune of Pyla, France
All weknowthat Europehas nodeserts,sand dunesat bestonlymediocre.Butthis assumption iswrong.Europe has auniquedunePylaie,the length of 3km,width of 500m and aheight of 100meters.Thesedunesare verysteeppartfacing theforest.
This place isfamousfor being the placeof paragliding activity.Besides the uniqueness ofthe dunes,whichis alsoamazing is thesurrounding landscapefrom the heights wherewecouldsee the seaandforest.Becausethe dunesaremuch higherthanthe forest,so that fromthe duneswecould see everything.
8. Meteor Crater, USA
MeteorCrateris acraterformed by ameteorite.It is locatedabout 43miles (69km)east of Flagstaff, nearWinslowin thenorthern Arizona desert ofthe UnitedStates.The place wascalledMeteorCraterbecause it wasclose to thepostofficename.
MeteorCraterisreportedlyformed since50,000 yearsagoin the Pleistocene periodwhenthe localclimatebecamecoolerand wetter.At that timetherewasa vast grasslandand forests, inhabitedbywoollymammoths,giantslothmashed,andcamels.Perhaps thearea wasnotinhabited byhumans.The fallenmeteorcontaining thenickelandmake a craterof 50meters.
9. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil and Guyan
MountRoraimaisa beautifulwonderfulplace.The rockis shapedlike ahoodunique becausethe tablewas in the clouds.Heightof 400 meters.Theonly waytoreach thepeak ofthe roof ofthe tableis aladderby climbinglanethat was alreadyprovided by the governmentof Venezuela.
Another waythat is not recommendedisthe usualrock climbers.There,the rainfellalmosteveryday,wash awaytheivyplantson the roof.As a result,the roofof the mountainto be unique,because it is cleanofany..akaas"an empty table."
10. The Door To Hell, Turkmenistan
This place isprobablyall know,at leasthaveread aboutorseepictures.It isno wonderbecausethe naturalphenomenonin Turkmenistanissomewhat unique.People call it'the Gate ofHell"becausethecrater roughly70 metersoutfires continuouslysincelast 35 years.
Starting from 1971in which thegeologistmemberregion tolook formine gas.Whatensuesis a burst offlamefrom underacontinuous,evenswallowedall their equipment.Geologistsareno one dared togo downinto thecraterthat toxic.You cansee itonGoogleEarthat40 °15'8"N58 °26'23"E.
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